Thursday, January 30, 2014

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY!! *a busy few days*

january 28 marked solomon's sixth month home!

after solomon's readoption heari

january 29 included a court hearing to complete solomon's readoption!

january 30 celebrates solomon's 2nd birthday and his first real birthday party!

our sweet boy has no idea what all the fuss is about today.  obviously, we still need to indoctrinate the idea of "birthday = excitement."  poor solomon is mostly just confused about all the singing and candles, but he sure doesn't mind the cake.  HA!

God is so good.
life is finally calming down a bit and feeling "normal."  at least we're realizing what "normal" with three little boys looks like in real life!
we have much for which to be thankful.  THANK YOU FOR SHARING IN OUR JOYS!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

6 months HOME!

solomon has now officially been home  for SIX MONTHS!
and we can barely begin to tell you about the we'll mostly show you:

october 2013

november 2013

all dressed up for auntie's wedding
january 2014

when we brought solomon home in july, nine month baby clothes were hanging off of his skinny little frame.  he ate every 2 hours (mostly formula from a bottle) for the first 2ish  months.  if we fed him more than 6 ounces of anything, his poor little stomach revolted and everything came back up.  smiles came, but we had to work hard for them.

six months later, a chubby solomon fits snuggly in eighteen month toddler clothes.  he no longer takes a bottle, but drink whole milk from a cup by himself and eats table food...LOTS OF IT.  he is a "typical toddler" who jumps and runs and laughs and sings and hugs and cuddles and.....*sniff*  it is a miraculous thing to see how a child thrives in a nurturing environment.

people always ask, "isn't international adoption hard and expensive and risky?"