Saturday, April 28, 2012


i'm looking back at the past year and a half of josiah's life and i'm thinking, "it can't be that long."
and hasn't.  even though josiah just turned one on september 15, we have loved him far longer.  before we ever knew HE existed, we loved him....we hoped for him and prayed for him, and scratched and clawed and wept and danced our way to him.
praise.  God.

and now our jojo-baby is nineteen months.  WE'RE MORE THAN HALF WAY TO TWO, PEOPLE!  *whew*  and what a hambone our little josiah has become.  the eighteen months two two stage is so magical; you really start to see their little quirky personalities.

as ben and i have reflected on the past three years and the things God has taught us about adoption, we keep coming back to God's sovereignty.  the more we understand how BIG and ALMIGHTY and OMNIPOTENT God is, the more awesome His love for us becomes.  

people still ask us "why adoption?"  the best answer we have is this: if we really understand the depth of God's love for us in adopting US as heirs, the more it should spur us on to live out that gospel truth through the work of earthly adoption!  in his book, adopted for life, russell d. moore says it so well:
"adoption is, on the one hand, gospel.  
in this, adoption tells us who we are as children of the Father.  adoption as gospel tells us about our identity, our inheritance, our mission as sons of God.  
adoption is also defined as mission.  in this, adoption tells us our purpose in this age as the people of Christ.  missional adoption spurs us to join Christ in advocating for the helpless and the abandoned...
without the theological aspect, the emphasis on adoption too easily is seen as mere charity.  without the missional aspect, the doctrine of adoption too easily is seen as mere metaphor."

and there you have it, folks.
yes, we wanted to increase our family.
yes, we wanted another child.
yes, josiah needed a family.
but there is so much more to adoption that just meeting needs and filing holes!

"thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!"
2 corinthians 9:15

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