Tuesday, March 5, 2013

calling all prayer warriors

this is a shout out post for all you prayer warriors out there.
you know who you are.
and this post is especially dedicated to YOU and the hours of time you have spent on your knees before the throne of God Most High on behalf of our family.

adoption is all about moving mountains.  big mountains.  not just little hills that you could eventually hike over if you just really tried.  we are talking about mount everest after mount everest, but impossibly higher.
we have experienced the moving of mountains in the adoption of our second son, josiah.  if you've been following the blog for awhile, you know the amazingly miraculous process we have already been through to bring this precious boy into our family.
see the cuteness & joy?  adoption is worth it.  :)
as much as we still marvel at the fact that God moved in the heart of josiah's birthmother to protect him in her womb and then entrust his care to US, solomon's international adoption is even more marvelous in some ways...we're talking about God directing one, tiny child from halfway across the world into our insignificant family.  governments are talking and that in and of itself is astounding.  adoption is dumbfounding when you really consider all the details that have to come together just right to change the life of a child.

so.  back to our prayer warriors.  God hears prayers.  He does.  they matter.  and if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you are commanded to "pray without ceasing" (philippians 4:6-7, ephesians 6:18)!  sometimes i think that we get tangled up in the "labor" of prayer rather than relishing the ongoing conversation it should be with Almighty God!  martin luther said, "the fewer the words the better the prayer."  its not about fancy words (in fact all of Jesus' prayers in the bible are very simple and childlike), but the attitude of your heart before God!

we just experienced the power of prayer today with our visas arriving!  PRAISE GOD!
what a beautiful sight and the product of much fervent prayer.  ghanaian visas valid for 5 YEARS!  hooray!

on that note, we decided to put together a "prayer schedule" for our trip to ghana this week.  we feel a really heavy burden to BEG you to write these requests down on your calendar or fridge or phone or somewhere and pleasepleaseplease petition that our time in ghana would glorify God!

*wednesday, 3/6: that we remember to pack everything we need, good rest, peace for our boys as they stay home with their grandparents
*thursday, 3/7-friday 3/8: peace, travel mercies, on-time flights, no snow in DC or frankfurt for our connections, ability to sleep on the plane, safety through customs in accra, that the hotel room we have reserved is indeed available to us, courage
*saturday, 3/9: our first meeting with solomon to be sweet!!!!!, opportunity to develop positive relationship with orphanage workers, sweet fellowship with the bethany workers, jet lag/adjustments, health, courage
*sunday, 3/10-monday, 3/11: lots of time with solomon, ability to visit with old ghanaian friends, health, courage
*tuesday, 3/12: COURT MERCIES, that solomon will be content while we wait for our court hearing, that our waiting time in court will not be long, we would gain favor with the ghanaian judge, that solomon would be made our son forever!!!, health, courage
*wednesday, 3/13: that our goodbyes to solomon would be filled with peace and joy, health, travel mercies, courage
*thursday, 3/14: travel mercies, no snow in frankfurt, ability to sleep on plane, safety through customs in houston, on-time flights, PEACE

please also pray for all three of our boys during these time.  our boys in the USA have never been away from us this long and could use a good covering of prayer.  pray that this time of change and excitement will be joyful and not overwhelming/frightening for solomon as well.

"we have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties."
-oswald chambers

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