Friday, May 31, 2013

End of May: "Our Timeline"

Today is the last day of May.
Back in the day when we first scheduled our court date for Solomon's Ghanaian adoption, we thought, "We'll have him home by the end of May!"  That's not the way things are shaping up.  But guess what?  That's the way international adoption rolls sometimes!!  And even more than that, we have SO.MUCH. for which to be thankful despite "our" timeline fail:
Ghanaian Adoption Order in hand
Permission letter from the Ghanaian Department of Foreign Affairs allowing Solomon to apply for his passport
Assurance that Solomon's passport will be printed the first week of June
A fully funded adoption (WOOOHOOOO!)
Healthy boys
Trustworthy and hard-working social workers both in the US and Ghana

Another little treat we receive this week were some updated snapshots of Solomon.  Apparently, he had just woken up and was a bit out of sorts....his little sad face makes our hearts aaaaaaaache.  Can you even believe those eyes and lips?!
Apparently, we are *not* a morning person...*grin*

Oh man....this boy needs to be home with his mommy and daddy and two big brothers so bad.  We need to fatten him up and put some LIGHT in those beautiful eyes!

We are still waiting for the US Immigration Officer to return our email and let us know if she has been able to review our case yet.  Please continue to pray for an efficient and positive investigation!  As soon as we receive our "provisional approval" for Solomon's US visa, we will be in contact with the US Embassy in Ghana to schedule Solomon's medical exam and interview.  Our prayer is still that we can travel to Ghana to bring Solomon HOME by the end of June...

Thank you again, friends and family, for your prayers and encouragement to our family.  We appreciate your cards and emails and words of support more than you know!

"May God's peace, which goes FAR BEYOND anything we can imagine, guard your hearts and minds in union with the Messiah Jesus."  Philippians 4:7

Cain Family (MINUS ONE!) enjoying a beach day in Southern California over Memorial Day Weekend

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