Friday, October 30, 2009

Intake Interviews

Ben and Ashley headed down to Bethany in Modesto for our first round of interviews (Ethan stayed home and played with Mimi and Papa!).  The "intake interview" was the two of us with our social worker, Rhonda (who is fantastic!), for about 2 hours.  Rhonda is so relaxed and open - we are truly blessed to be working with her.  After talking about everything from "why adoption" to "how did you meet," we got our next round of paperwork to complete (fingerprinting and a personal survey are the big things).  Also excited because we scheduled our next round of interviews (individual) and our home safety check!  After these two visits are done we can get our names in "the book" and wait to be chosen by a birthmom!

The big things to pray for:
1.  We need to $2500 by December 11 when we go in for our individual interviews.  The Lord IS providing and we are excited to see how and where He continues to brings the funds in so we can meet our new little one!
2.  Clear heads and time to complete the last big round of paperwork.

3.  Our birthmother and our unborn child - safety and strength.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for God's will... we love love love you!!!
    "There are three things that will endure -
    faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love." I Corinthians 13:13
    Papa & Mimi xoxo
    Psalm 19:14
