Wednesday, January 5, 2011


*details from josiah's birth*
i realize that i never wrote about the details of josiah's birth!  here's the "short" version. =)
ben and i were able to drive to san jose on september 15 and be at the hospital at 4:00AM with briana.  she began her induction about 6:00AM and progressed rather slowly until about 4:00PM when things moved very quickly.  although briana had originally wanted only her mom in the room with her for the actual delivery, she changed her mind and allowed me (ashley) to be with her during josiah's delivery!  she even asked if i wanted to cut the umbilical cord!  it was a glorious, beautiful, and highly emotional day!!!!  josiah was healthy and was truly a party atmosphere in the delivery room with tons of briana's family and friends stopping by within minutes of josiah's birth!  when it was time to fill out birth certificate information, briana filled out the name we had chosen: josiah nathanael.  what a joy!
briana and her mom stayed with josiah during the two nights at the hospital.  she was so kind and welcoming to ben and i...she allowed ben and i to be with her in the hospital essentially all day!  the hospital staff was also very understanding of our adoption situation and accommodated us as best they could.
when briana was discharged from the hospital, she signed josiah in to our care as foster parents.  she allowed us to dress him in a home-coming outfit we had brought and held him while ben wheeled her outside in a wheelchair.  we had a few pictures taken together before we left.
briana placed josiah in his carseat, ben buckled him in, we hugged and prayed, and drove home.  W.O.W.
i cannot even begin to describe how amazing a gift briana has given us.  our time with her in the hospital was so important and has set the foundation for our relationship and friendship with her!

*legal steps*
about a week after her discharge from the hospital, briana signed relinquishments and terminated her parental rights to josiah.  we were waiting for josiah's birthfather to do the same.  unfortunately, he has not been eager to cooperate.  eventually, a lawyer's service was able to serve him with relinquishment papers.  he has not signed them so our social worked filed papers with court to have his rights terminated by a judge as he has not been active in the pregnancy or birth.  we expect to hear from the court sometime this week or next as to the official termination of the birthfather's rights.
once this has happened, josiah will be officially "available for adoption."  then we can submit our paperwork to formally adopt josiah and, Lord-willing, will finalize the adoption at the placerville court sometime in march!!

*about josiah*
you cannot even believe how smiley this kid is.  HA!  he is a joyful and easy-going little long as there is a bottle within a 3-foot radius.  he loves his food and his adorably chubby thighs prove it.  he's rolling from back to front to back, chattering like a maniac, and determined to run so he can catch up with his big brother.  we are so very thankful for the sweetness he adds to our family!

1 comment:

  1. What a tremendous story! God be praised for his goodness to all involved: to Josiah, to Briana and to your family. The pictures are great. I'm so glad to be able to rejoice with you! Thank you for posting.
