Tuesday, January 15, 2013

warp speed...reaching the least of these!

as we mentioned in our last post, there have been a lot of things going in "under the surface" since we were first matched with solomon at the beginning of december.  a lot of people have asked how it is that we were able to receive a referral so quickly....the simplest answer is that solomon was on a "waiting child" list.  this is an assembled list of children who have been cleared for adoption, but may have some special circumstances that require a certain type of adoptive family.  many of the children have special needs (ranging from correctable issues to chronic conditions - some of these "special needs" are very minor issues for us in the US because of our easy access to regular medical care!) and many more are perfectly healthy older children (5-17).  solomon was on this list because of a correctable heart condition.  we saw his face and immediately inquired about the details of his condition, etc.

since that initial inquiry, the past month and a half has been filled with quiet ups and downs for us - all stemming from the range of responses we received from doctors regarding solomon's medical records.  at first, we were not sure if we would actually be able to travel with him on a transcontinental flight.  as you can imagine, this presented huge logistical problems: can we take a cruise from Ghana? would our insurance cover surgery in Ghana?    the Bethany team in Ghana has been FANTASTIC, though, and they worked diligently with the orphanage workers to take solomon to a cardiologist in Ghana that could answer some of our questions/concerns.  PRAISE GOD: all the tests came back even better than we had hoped!!  air travel will be safe for solomon based on his current records!!!!!!

another huge praise: all our country and agency fees have been paid in full!!!  AHHHHHH!  over the course of 48 hours, God used the generosity of some very precious families to provide $5000 towards our adoption fund.
 freak.  out.  weep.  sing praise!
God's provision is always miraculous, but especially in time crunch situations such as this.  WOW!  as we look back at how many people have freely given to our family so that we can pursue solomon, it is truly overwhelming.  thank you to each and every one of you for joining us.

now that the Christmas/new year holidays are past, we are awaiting to hear when our court date will be scheduled.  it is possible that the three month mandatory waiting period may be waived for us in order to expedite medical attention for solomon's little heart.  would you please pray with us that God will reveal His perfect timing??

so what's next?
1.  raising travel funds.  we are estimating that we will need $8000 for our two trips to Ghana.  both trips will be about a week long and will be a few months apart.  our prayer is to raise as much as can before the first trip and then raise the remainder needed inbetween.  if you feel lead to help us financially, you can ask for our mailing address or visit our donation website!
2.  confirmation of our court date.  we'll travel to ghana about 6 days before and spend some time with solomon at the orphanage.  *EEEEEEEEEEK*  if all goes well, we'll leave the day after court and come home for a few months to finish all the immigration paperwork before we head back to actually bring solomon HOME.
3.  plan a trip....twice!  immunizations, visas, plane tickets, hotel reservations.  fun.  stuff.  ashley is also hoping to make arrangements to visit with old friends in the capitol from her time there in 2001!
4.  PRAYER.  we covet your prayers.  more than we can tell you.  please pray for the diligent team of social workers in Ghana as they strive to help unite children with their forever families.  please pray for solomon's safety and health as he waits for us.  please pray for peace and diligence and clarity of thought for us as we prepare and gather and scratch & claw our way to this precious little boy.  please pray for the orphanage workers - that they will not be overwhelmed by their huge task to care for so many little ones.  please pray for the many many many children who are still waiting for their forever families.

we so wish we could share solomon's pictures with you.  seeing his sweet face (and beautiful red hair...heehee) makes all the labor more real and more urgent.  there really is a child who needs a family and we really can be the hands and feet of Jesus to him.  a few days ago, ben said, "if a child grows up never having experienced the love of a father or a mother, how can he or she ever come to understand the love that God has for them?!"  that truth, even more than our longing for a child, is what drives us to not give up - but to rely on the supernatural strength of Jesus Christ to reach one child and make one less orphan in the world.

my sister sent me this music video a few months ago, but it sticks with me.  the idea of "if not us, who will be Jesus to the least of these?" is haunting.  thank you for playing such a valuable part in bringing love to "the least of these!"

1 comment:

  1. This post brought tears to my (our) eyes....we too are trusting in the providence and sovereignty of our mighty awesome God!!!
    Love you 5,
    Mom (for Dad too) xoxo
    <3 Psalm 139
